The Power of Play: Rediscovering Joy In Our Creative Work

By Damian Connop

G&V | Value Series | Playful

As with any job, things can get fraught and stressful from time to time. However, playfulness isn’t about disregarding responsibilities when things get tough, nor is it about not taking our work seriously. It’s about knowing when to pause, take a step back, and remember why we do what we do.

A recurring theme throughout my reflections on our values has been this: It’s easy to talk about these principles, but much harder to put them into practice. I’m notorious for getting overly serious, allowing that seriousness to snowball until I can’t tell where it ends and I begin. When I reach that point, I have to stop and ask myself, “Why did you get into this in the first place?” My answer is almost always the same: “Because we get to do cool stuff and have fun while doing it!” It’s a simple but effective reset for me.

We are Playful

It’s not just about ping pong tables and bean bags.

The agency is built on the desire to create great work and have fun doing it. We’re professional but know when not to take things too seriously. We are naturally inquisitive and playful and will explore all ideas – outlandish or otherwise – to satisfy our curiosity and thirst for the new. We love to delight and be delighted.

There’s definitely a time for being playful, but it has to come from within. Each of us needs to find our own way to that space. For me, playfulness is about curiosity and a genuine sense of wonder in the work. How you find your own sense of play might look different. What environment do you need? How can the people around you help cultivate it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts—send me a postcard with your answer! Seriously, I’m curious. Here’s a thought from Tom Robbins that sums it up beautifully, “Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.”

Perhaps, in our pursuit of being responsible and cautious, we sometimes forget that playfulness—this essential human trait—is what often pushes us forward. Let’s embrace it more often.

Read more about our agency culture here.


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